
Massage Therapy

Sarah Antonucci is a Colorado licensed massage therapist focusing on joint mobilization and posture correction. Working towards overall body alignment so that we can approach every day with more ease. Goal oriented work focused on helping her client’s to better understand their situation while giving them tools to create stability and strength on their own.

Common modalities used are Structural Integration, Pelvic Balancing, Range of Motion Therapy, and Thai stretching techniques.


Sarah Antonucci is a 500 hour Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) with 8 years of experience teaching vinyasa, yin, restorative, acroyoga, SUP yoga, aerial yoga, and power flow classes. In recent years her classes are focused on properly warming up the body to moving in ways we have never moved before, helping to build the brain body connection.

Craniosacral Therapy

 Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle hands-on technique that uses a light touch to examine membranes and movement of the fluids in and around the central nervous system. By normalizing the environment around the brain and spinal cord and enhancing the body's ability to self-correct, Craniosacral Therapy is able to alleviate a wide variety of dysfunctions from chronic pain to neurological impairments, migraines, and TMJ. Sarah received her Level 1 Craniosacral Therapy Training from the Upledger Institute in 2022.

Previous Workshops and other Offerings

  • Craniosacral and Restorative

    Rest your body and ease your mind with 90 minutes of calming breath work and restorative shapes accompanied by gentle, hands on craniosacral techniques.

  • Posture Conditioning

    A slow and supportive movement practice with exercises inspired by yoga, tai chi, Ida Rolf, and Moshe Feldenkrais. Attendees will leave this 90 minute workshop with a greater understanding of their bones, what strengthens them, and how they come together to create joints.

  • Self Care Sunday

    Are you working too much? Does your body hurt? Do you not have the time/cash for a massage? Give yourself the tools to help yourself! A 2.5 hour workshop covering self massage techniques, gua sha body scraping, and foot reflexology.

  • Sound Journey

    A 60 or 90 minute group meditation using crystal bowls and other percussion instruments. Sound healing uses aspects of music and sound vibration to improve physical and emotional health and well-being. Even individuals who are deaf or have hearing loss can benefit from sound healings, as most of the benefits come from the vibrations emitted.

  • AcroYoga

    Acroyoga is a partner practice that combines acrobatics and yoga. In this workshop learn how to safely enter and exit basic AcroYoga shapes, how to safely spot others through their practice, and how to combine shapes to create ongoing flows.

  • Bilingual Guided Meditation

    Drop into your nervous system with a guided meditation in both Spanish and English

  • Mindful Meetups

    A grounding afternoon of community, journaling, and nervous system nourishment.

There is strength in numbers! To collaborate, contact me here